Tourist destinations in Diber

Korabi Mountain

Korabi Mountain is the highest part of the whole range of the same name, being not only the highest mountain in Albania (2751 m), but also one of the highest in the Balkan Peninsula. Korabi lies between the Veleshica brook valley and the Grama stream. he Korabi ridge is divided into three main ridges by contact pits, such as that of the Fair, that of the Presevo Pines and that of the Shehu Mountains. Among these, the most famous is the Fair Pit. Its landscape is magnificent. Above it stands the peak of Korab, while it has the shape of a stadium on top of which is a spring with the coldest water.

Korabi Plain

Before reaching the Fair, the visitor must normally cross the Korabi plain, also called the Korabi plain by the locals. During the summer, it is full of stalls and flocks of sheep. It resembles a giant floral rug, which from week to week leaves each other’s turn. Visitors to this area, in addition to the fresh air, the freshness and stunning beauty, also offers very good conditions for ski slopes or other winter activities. On this plain the snow stays on average over 6 months. To be visited are also full of other beauties of nature such as: Prespa’s Stone Pit, in the southwest it has an elongated shape and is wider than that of the Fair. It forms thresholds up to the village of Radomirë. On the lower threshold are 5 glacial lakes that give value to this landscape.

Korabi Gates

The other ridge of this mountain is that of the Gates of Korab, which is separated from the top of Korab by the neck of the same name (2475 m height). This ridge, on which two peaks with an altitude of over 2700 meters rise, separates the pit of the Stanes of Preshi in the northeast from that of the Shehu Mountains in the southwest. When the visitor wants to go towards the mountain of Grama (part of this magnificent ensemble), this ridge decreases and becomes softer and softer, because the limestones give way to the ridges. The most amazing part of it is the Lushi stream, famous for the beauty of spring flowers and the great wealth of biodiversity and especially rare species. The visitor of the Korab massif is amazed by the pronounced contrasts between the high and very sharp peaks of alpine nature and of the valleys, gorges, valleys and deep pits. Plants, animals and great wealth in the waters greatly increase the value of these landscapes, which are a great asset, as well as a future for the development of tourism in the country in Diber.


Lura, an alpine-type gem, with numerous coniferous forests, with its villages located on plateaus and valleys, with seven natural karstic lakes, which are a rare display of natural beauty. Pelave Field, with an area of ​​50 hectares, it is surrounded everywhere by spruce and pine and presents a truly stunning view, where according to the testimonies of the elderly, in the early days horse races were organized during the summer, so it is also called “Pelave Field”. Large flocks of sheep graze in the Gjargjisht mountain range, which has many grasses and flowers. Residents are very hospitable. In the middle of the plateau lies a river of clear water, which springs from the high mountains. But water sources with crystal water are numerous.


Lura Lakes

From Lura e Vjetër the road leads to the area of ​​the lakes, which are seven. Along the way, the beauty of the wooded mountains, the colorful flowers, and the excitement of birds and whistles can be seen. Here and there you can hear the song of the wild turkey, a rare and beautiful treasure of this region.

Hinoska Mountain

Hinoska Mountain is located southeast of the city of Peshkopi. The nearest village is Ilnica, which is located about 1250 m above sea level. In August, this mountain is rich in very tasty wild fruits such as blueberries, wild raspberries, wild strawberries. In addition to fruits, you can find a variety of medicinal plants. In addition to being very cold, water sources produce light and salty water. minerals. It can be considered as one of the best water places in Albania. During the summer the pastures are full of herds of cattle and stalls. In addition to camping in umbrellas, guesthouses can be booked, alpine houses which are built in the mountains.

Pocest Waterfall

One of the most fantastic destinations for mountain tourism is the Pocest waterfall. Pocest Waterfall, located at an altitude of 1500m, on the eastern slope of the mountain
Deshatit, near the village of Maqellare. This beautiful and stunning waterfall is
with a height of 13m and is formed by water coming out of a large rock in the rock
sharpened limestone, forming a large characteristic source where noise
which is heard at a very great distance.